L I G H T ળ C O D E S


the new paradigm marketing course



Do you want to journey with me into the land of marketing freedom?

It's one of my favorite lands...


Light Codes is written for bold entrepreneurs with a gentle heart, who desire for their marketing to match their essence.

It's the ultimate invitation to drop any and all compromise in your marketing.

You'll be getting a clear taste of how it'd feel like to bring all of your marketing from a place of playful sovereignty.



A deep, detailed and practical exploration of:

ળ Determining your unique position in the field of marketing (deepening your Marketing Essence!)

ળ Navigating trauma responses around visibility

 ળ The full landscape of energetic marketing

ળ Timing and flow: marketing as a garden 

ળ Honoring your marketing seasons

 ળ Doing marketing on your terms

ળ Old paradigm marketing detox 

ળ Website demystification

ળ Social media radiance


What I’m offering, is a transformational new way of seeing and being in marketing, that can liberate you from every box you thought existed. From this place, marketing turns into an art form that flows through you, instead of a set of rules that you must follow. 



July / August

~21 videos, 20-30 minutes average

- A deep video course, available on your laptop and in a dedicated app.
- My first foundational marketing course in which I'll be sharing the material I normally share with my 1-1 clients.

EXTRA - Joining the recordings
I've never seen this done before, but my gut is really into this. When you join before the (end of the) 3rd of June, you'll have the unique opportunity to join my recordings. This is how it works:

  • When you join Light Codes, you'll receive a planning with all of the recording dates. They will  be mostly in  June and  July. When a date or time changes, I'll let you know - the planning is not set in stone.
  • The majority of the videos will be recorded at a "timezone-friendly" time (Dutch evenings), days will be varied. For Australia, I might add in a few Dutch mornings in the weekend. I'm expecting on average around 3 recording moments a week.
  • This will not be like your regular group course. During the recordings, my main focus won't be on space holding, but on hitting the content on its head. 
  • Having said that, there will be space for some of your questions. There will be a Q&A section after each session. 

Do note: this is built to be an adventure! Some of the logistic details might change slightly. 



I'm in the middle of the creation process. All material for this course is downloaded and written down. And in the next few weeks, I will create all the videos. It's verrry exciting to me to give some dedicated people the opportunity to pre-purchase this course before it's fully finished. 

The gift for your early trust? A €100 price deduction, which turns the regular €500 into a juicy €400. You'll receive the same material as everyone else. 

This is for you if you already feel in your bones that this is for you. If you feel doubts, I'd recommend waiting for the official launch.

the price deduction is already applied for you

PS To clarify the 'beta part'. The price reduction is not because I'm still unsure about the content of the course - I already know the content will be stellar, it's very alive within me. You receive a beta price because you buy something that's not created yet, and because I'm figuring out the logistics part on the go.


Q & A

How long will this offer be available?

Till Saturday the 18th of June.

 How will the content be delivered?

Once my recordings are done, you'll receive the full course. The content will be available on your desktop and also in a dedicated app. This way, you can choose the perfect pace for you to go through the material. For those who want, there's the unique option to join the recordings on top of that.

Will this course be given live at a later moment?

No, not as I foresee it right now. Light Codes will turn into an evergreen online course on my site. If you love having a "live" element to the course, this would be the perfect moment to join. (only if it feels right in your body of course) 

For whom is this course?

For entrepreneurs and anyone who is thinking about starting a business. And most of all, this course is for everyone who feels strongly pulled by it. What does your (Human Design) Authority tell you? 

Can I get a taste?

Yes! If you didn't do so yet, listening to the 2-hour Marketing Essence recording is the perfect entranceway into Light Codes.

For how long will I have access to the videos?

For 10 years.


Any other questions? You can ask them via [email protected] or via instagram chat.





I could sense how simply being in her presence was allowing me to receive potent energetic codes and imprints that my mind didn’t need to intellectualize. I could feel the depth of her impact (still do!) and I must say that my relationship with myself and my conscious business has been magnificently transformed through the time we spent together. For those who are considering playing in Ayla’s world, know this: if you’re ready to drop everything that’s not TRULY you and rise into your most authentic expression so that the world can receive the juicy gift that is simply you being fully you, Ayla can guide you there.


€133,33 EUR

3 monthly payments

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