a new paradigm marketing course
25 days
7 codes
You are
not a factory
'producing content’
There is a way to do
marketing that feels like
gardening: nourishing,
restorative & organic

Many of us are looking for
"the right marketing strategies".
But we don’t need more strategies -
most of us need less. Less “shoulds”,
and less pushing ourselves to be
something that we’re not.
Ultimately, it’s about
becoming more confident
in what you already carry inside
of you. Your voice, your message,
and the unique energy you bring.
Connection ળ is here to show
how you can grow that confidence,
and to support people in letting go of
the marketing beliefs that have been
weighing their voice down.
Connecting with our authentic
voices and messages can help us to..
ળ attract the right people (right for us)
ળ truly touch and reach our audience
ળ stand out with our marketing
ળ enjoy our marketing

Some of the themes
we'll dive into





This course is not just a
fun idea I had, it’s part of a bigger
calling. I feel called to radically change
the way the way we approach marketing,
and to empower people in writing their
own marketing narrative and rules..
..because we are the only ones
who are qualified to
write them.
Connection ળ is the first big answer
to that calling. Rather than offering a
bandaid approach, it goes to the roots
of our marketing blocks - and gifts.
It offers a strong foundation
to build your marketing upon.
Most of us walk around with voices
that are weathered and battered by the
expectations and judgments of the world.
We’ve hidden the parts of our voice which
were never welcomed and blown up the
parts that everyone seemed to love -
and it has affected our marketing.

When we heal our voices,
their sparkle and power returns.
Marketing becomes something we
feel home in, rather than some
dark alley to avoid.

I designed the environment
with a lot of care

Deep and accessible
I love making deep truths easily accessible.
There are no woolly texts or videos anywhere,
and the beautiful design of the course makes
it extra pleasurable and light to digest.
This is what you'll find:
Structure and freedom
ળ You'll receive a new code every two to three days. This clear structure gives you something to respond to.
ળ At the same time, I've designed the course in such a way that it honors your authority. Ultimately, you are the one who decides when you go through the codes. And every code comes with a small 'buffet' of different (journaling) questions, gentle challenges & resources so that you can pick the ones that resonate most.
Insights and embodiment
ળ I love helping your mind to get marketing. To facilitate your "light bulb moments", there are many (info)graphics, metaphors & mutative concepts. These graphs and concepts are far from 'dry' - they're all interwoven with intuition and color.
ળ Just as important, this course will support you to embody the information. There is an abundance of real life examples + integration questions to remind your body how it feels like to let your authentic expression come through. You'll also find audios in which I'm speaking to you directly.

Empowering and trauma-informed
ળ Quadruple Leo + Manifesting Generator = I'm here to paint a colorful world of possibilities, and to celebrate the light that shines within you. Part of the empowerment consists of me challenging you, but only in ways that honor your autonomy and inner wisdom.
ળ Seven years of Human Design deconditioning, intensive therapy + 200 hours of trauma education (plus my wild life) = this course is built on a foundation of compassion and trauma awareness. The codes offer a deep understanding of the challenges that come with being seen and practical healing tools to overcome those challenges.

Connection speaks to your
mental, emotional and
energetic faculties

is when the CONNECTION
experience opens it doors
again for the fourth time
This is a 25-day-long adventure, including
a week of aftercare for those who need more
time to process & ask questions. During the first two
weeks, you'll receive a code every 2 to 3 days.
You'll have immediate access to the course
dashboard, and there is a little welcoming
moment the day before we start.
7.30 pm CET / 10.30 am PST
An opportunity to connect, clarify and
deepen the material. Everyone
will receive the recording.
200 euros / 250 euros
early bird active now
go here to pay in
two installments

F A Q ળ
What do the lessons (codes) look like?
The codes consist of carefully designed texts, audio messages, custom made (info)graphics, and meaningful images. And of course, a rich sprinkling of GIFs 🪻 Every code is served with accompanying integration material: deep questions, action steps and gentle challenges.
Does this format work?
Two and a half years ago, I wasn't sure about it... ("it's so unusual!") But I've offered the course three times now and each time, I've been blown away by the responses. Somehow, these codes are able to touch people beyond the mental level. People also reported that they felt seen in this course - which ultimately helped them grow their capacity to be seen and honored by their audience.
What's the time investment?
Around 60-90 minutes every three days.
What are the opportunities for interaction?
Interaction brings this course alive. Past participants appreciated that they could leave their questions and reflections right below the codes and exercises, rather than having to go to a separate place for interaction. The live session are a dynamic dance between my input and yours. And of course - you are free to interact as much or little as you want.
For whom is this course?
For all people and entrepreneurs who..
- are done with regular marketing advice and 'rules'
- want to market from a place of freedom and deep authenticity
- want to feel inspired again about sharing their ideas and services with their audience
- would like to be the captain of their own marketing ship, rather than being steered by the mainstream culture of marketing
- don't fit neatly in the generic + typical labels of society and are looking for a marketing course that honors both left-brain and right-brain thinking
- bonus: the course is extra well-suited for those of you who are energetically sensitive
Can I ask questions about the lessons?
Totally! You can leave your questions in a comment beneath the lesson. I will personally monitor the questions & answer them.
For how long will the material be accessible to me?
You'll have access to the course material for 2 years. The course comments from all the participants will be accessible for 6 months.
I've joined another round of CONNECTION ળ (or Light Codes) and I would like to join again.
You are very welcome. Every code has received an update (after the second round), and the last two of the codes have been completely revamped - there's more focus on practical application now. If you've joined Light Codes before, you receive 50% off. And if you've purchased Connection before, the course will be €50. You can send me a message (insta/mail) to receive the reduction code.

All the short 'blurbs' you see throughout
the page are responses to the codes and
spontaneous messages I received in my dms.
I've never asked for testimonials. Below, you'll find
answer from past participants to the feedback question
"How would you describe your experience?"