Marketing for Bakers & Messengers


Adjusting your marketing

to who you are instead of

the other way around








Moving from doing your

marketing to being your marketing

 by realizing the marketing power that

is already present within you. 



W e l c o m e !

I hope the marketing

quiz has been helpful for you.

Haven't done it yet? This page will

make more sense after filling it out ;)


Several people have reached out to me:

"it's lovely to know that I'm a Baker/

Messenger, but how do I apply

that in my marketing?"


This workshop is the

answer to that question.







I'll share for the first time

about the underlying archetypes

 of the Baker & Messenger essences.

This can be helpful in understanding

more about your particular marketing

strengths and challenges.



In the envision part,

we'll make the Archetypes

practical - so that your whole

being can  s t a r t  to believe that

doing marketing in your own

way is actually possible.


Juicy practical examples!

Very specific details of what has

worked for some of my favorite

Messengers & Bakers.




And, very importantly - we'll go into 5

concrete tools that can be of great

help in embracing the particular

way you shine your light.








From the start of my business, I knew

that I wanted to transform the world

of marketing - but I didn't know how.


After 10 years of traversing the marketing

lands, a clear & practical marketing

framework began to unfold within

me - a framework of freedom.


 The Baker-Messenger continuum

is an essential part of that framework.

It's very efficient in helping people to

break free of limiting marketing boxes.


I have never heard anyone talk about

this distinction, and I feel deeply

moved to change that.











7 p m


T u e s d a y

1 1 t h   o f   A p r i l 


2 hours

depth - beauty

answers - insights

practical - inspiration


live session

and the recording



p r i c e  |  € 7 5

early spring bird  |  €55 

apply the code: IMTHATBIRD

till Wednesday the 5th of April 




y o u   a r e

I N V I T E D ✾









The Baker-Messenger essences

are a part of the Magical Marketing

Quadrant, which is one big permission slip to

embrace your own unique way of doing marketing.

I'm expecting at least 2 follow-up workshops:

 1 about the Bold-Magnetic continuum &

1 deepening session for Bakers

receive the updates here






I might host this workshop again,

and I might not. There's no

way to predict it!


You  can leave your

email here if you'd like me

to inform you about a potential

upcoming Messenger /

Baker workshop.


For those of you who've

journeyed with me in 2022: you

might have guessed it and you're

right: all of this is part of Light Codes.

I'd say 80-90% of the material

will be new for you.


This workshop can be supportive for

people in all stages of their business.


I'll connect some Human Design dots

in this workshop, but it's not the

main focus. There's no need to

have any prior HD knowledge.


Did you beta-test the quiz?

You'll receive a €10 reduction as

a small thank you! Dm me on

Instagram for the code.







Want a redo of the quiz? Here she is:




- words from past interactions -

WOW, what a space you have given me to be so much more me.


Your energy is a beacon of authenticity for me, with an especially deep appreciation for the way in which you dance with organic growth and humanness. Again, thanking you endlessly for being you, and sharing your essence with people like me.


The course was beautifully put together, intuitive, simple, clear and yet full of wisdom and depth to apply to my work and marketing. After feeling lost in my marketing, it gave me a clearer direction that feels far more natural and authentic to me. Thank you Ayla for this beautiful gift!


€75,00 EUR