L I G H T C O D E S p i l l a r 1
14 days
7 codes
3 meetings
It's wild.
It's deep.
And yet bitesize.
It's your most unlikely marketing course.

in my world,
Marketing isn't about
'finding the right strategies'.
At its core, it's about
And first of all, it's
about the connection you have
with yourself and with your inner voices.
Without that connection, it can be hard to..
ળ truly touch and reach your audience
ળ sell from a place of confidence
ળ stand out with your marketing
ળ enjoy your marketing

This is what we'll dive into





A year ago, I received a vision
that would change the course of my business.
I was strongly called to bundle my deepest marketing
knowledge and make it beautifully accessible.
all of it
The name of this mega project?
LIGHT CODES ળ There are 7 pillars,
and CONNECTION is the first, the most
overlooked and the most fundamental one.
This deep knowledge is hardly talked
about in the marketing world and I want to
change that. I've seen so many energetically
sensitive entrepreneurs who carry beautiful
gifts and messages, but who feel a whole
host of (invisible) blocks that stop them
from bringing these fully into the world.
And I know a generic marketing
course isn't the answer here.
The gifts and voices we carry within
us are not generic ones, they are wild,
deep, and unique. They ask for a wild, deep,
and unique marketing approach. They need
our acknowledgment for all the times they
weren't heard and received, and also
a compassionate and safe enough
environment to grow (back) into
their full strength.
I created
to provide that nourishing
environment where your voice
can flourish and gain power

I designed the environment
with a tremendous amount of care

Deep and accessible
I love making deep truths easily accessible. There
are no long texts or videos in this course. I've worked
full-time for 2,5 months to condense my embodied
knowledge into deep yet bite-size codes (lessons).
Their beautiful design makes them extra
pleasurable and light to digest.
Why are the lessons
called codes? Because the strong
energy behind them can help you open doors.
Structure and freedom
ળ With 7 rich codes + 3 live sessions spread out over 2 weeks, there's a boot camp element to this course. The clear structure helps you to get going and the group energy is your ally. Many people have told me how the high level of engagement in the group stimulated them & led to new insights.
ળ At the same time, I've designed the course in such a way that it honors your sovereignty and authority. I'll support you to let go of the heavy "marketing shoulds" you might have collected on the way so that there's more space for your authentic voice to come through. And every code comes with a small 'buffet' of different exercises so that you can pick the ones that resonate most.
Insights and embodiment
ળ I really like helping your mind to grasp everything.
To facilitate your "light bulb moments", there are
graphics, metaphors & clear conceptual frameworks.
And the cherry on the cake: a royal amount of GIFs!
ળ Just as important, this course will support you
to embody the information. There is an abundance of
integration questions + juicy examples to remind your cells
how it feels like to let your authentic expression come through.
Empowering and trauma-informed
ળ Quadruple Leo + MG = I'm here to paint a colorful world of possibilities, and to celebrate the light that shines within you.
ળ 1,5 years of intensive therapy + 150 hours of trauma education material = this course is built on a foundation of compassion & trauma awareness. The codes give a deep understanding of the incredible challenges that come with being seen + practical healing tools to overcome those challenges.


19th of June - 2nd of July
CONNECTION is a 2-week-long adventure,
in which you receive a code every other day
(apart from the weekends)
19th of June
opening session
24th of June + 1st of July
integration sessions
7.30 pm CEST \
10.30 am PST
No long monologues here,
but getting our hands dirty and
bringing the material alive through
practical + thoughtful exercises.
a chance to be fully seen
250 euros
go here to pay in
two installments
money. back.
I've decided (for the first
time ever) to offer the option
to receive your money back if you
request it within the first 5 days of the
course. I know some people only know if
something is for them once they've tasted
it. I also know buying a course with an
unusual setup can be a bit 'scary'.
This is my way of adding safety.

ળ F A Q ળ
Yes :)
What do the lessons (codes) look like?
The codes consist of text, graphics, images, and exercises. And let's not forget the many GIFs! Just like on this sales page, there won't be any long & obscure paragraphs. The text is condensed in a way that every few sentences contain a whole world, and offer a lot of material for reflection.
Why are the lessons called codes?
They are called codes because the strong energy behind them can help you open doors.
What are the opportunities for interaction?
It's the interaction that brings this course alive. Past participants appreciated that they didn't have to go to a separate place to interact. Beneath every code, you are able to leave your thoughts and ask me questions with one click. The same goes for the exercises; you can do them on the same page as they're offered and also respond to others' entries. Lastly, the live integration sessions will be an opportunity for everyone to hear each other and connect with each other. And maybe needless to say but still - you are free to interact as much or little as you want, all of the interaction is optional.
What's the time investment?
For the codes & exercises: around 60 minutes every other day, or, if you batch it, 3 hours every week. For the two live sessions: they are 90-105 minutes each
For whom is this course?
For all heart-based entrepreneurs who want to market from a place of freedom and who are ready to reflect on themselves on a deep level. Bonus: the course is extra well-suited for energetically sensitive and/or introverted people.
Can I ask questions about the lessons?
Totally! You can leave your questions in a comment beneath the lesson. I will personally monitor the questions & answer them.
How long will the material be accessible to me?
You'll have access to the course material for 5 years. The course comments from all the participants will be visible & accessible for 1 year.
I've joined the first round of CONNECTION ળ and I would like to join again.
I love that, and you are very welcome. The codes will stay quite similar, but the live sessions will be different this time (more structure, more exercises, and more intentionality). You can also expect more (practical) examples sprinkled throughout the course. For you, the course will be €50 - you can send me a message (insta/mail) to receive the special entrance code.